Medical And Healthcare

Atlas Hospital, part of Atlas Holding, is a premier healthcare facility offering high-quality medical services across a range of specialties. Equipped with modern medical technology and staffed by experienced professionals, the hospital provides patient-centered care that covers preventive, diagnostic, and therapeutic treatments. The hospital aims to create a healing environment by combining cutting-edge technology with compassionate care. With a reputation for excellence, Atlas Hospital strives to meet the diverse healthcare needs of the community, ensuring the highest standards of medical care and patient safety.


Atlas Care Zone is a company operating under Atlas Holding, dedicated to providing comprehensive healthcare solutions. Specializing in medical equipment, health technology, and healthcare services, Atlas Care Zone serves as a bridge between advanced medical innovations and healthcare providers. Its services range from the distribution of state-of-the-art medical devices to offering tailored health consulting for hospitals and clinics. With a strong emphasis on quality, innovation, and client satisfaction, Atlas Health Zone plays a key role in enhancing healthcare delivery systems in the region.